For a customized life-changing program with radical results, initiate into the Deep Dive to Thrive transformation journey and expand into your greatest self.
Book a Free connection call now to uncover the source of what’s holding you back from your infinite potential.
My 6-month Deep Dive to Thrive program creates new opportunities, uproots the source that’s preventing change, and performs as a catalyst for your infinite success with radical results!
Here’s how.
Through our work together I will help you work with your body’s natural healing capabilities to remember the journey home to yourself. You will learn how to work with your mind, body, and spirit in an empowered way. Because you're ready to show up for yourself, you will grow into living in a harmonious relationship with yourself, which ripples out into your relationships with others. I honor your commitment to this journey and your unique path to liberation.
You can and will rise to your innate power to thrive! The answers are within you. Are you ready to answer the call?
Deep Dive to Thrive
Deep Dive to Thrive includes:
Resonance and Embodiment Rituals
Practices to regulate the nervous system, increase self-awareness & self-regulation, build insight, and cultivate a deeper resonance & relationship to mind, body, spirit.
Flower & Plant Spirit Medicine
Connecting to, cultivating relationship and mutuality with & working from the multi-dimensional seen & unseen worlds of nature & spirit. You’ll receive a specially made flower essence formula uniquely tailored to your needs.
BodyIntuitive Sessions
A Holistic Mind-Body Medicine grounded in the belief that living organisms have the innate capability to heal themselves. It's a beautiful combination of the most up-to-date Western Science & Ancient Chinese Medicine and includes epigenetic repair.
Quantum Time Release™
A multi-dimensional technique and intuitive approach to dealing with personal and emotional issues rooted in the body. QTR neutralizes negative emotional roots, struggle, and resistance, bringing us to a stage of deep inner peace and acceptance.
Quantum Change Process™
Delves into the layers of human consciousness. It uproots unconscious forces preventing change and allows for the possibility of limiting decisions and beliefs rooted in womb experiences and trauma to be released.
Integrative Somatic Parts Work
Integrative Somatic Parts Work prepares us to listen and engage with the different aspects of ourselves more deeply and more thoroughly so that we can better know their subtleties and the unconscious beliefs they hold.
Evolved Neuro-linguistic programming
eNLP is an updated version of NLP that expands into the quantum realms of healing, utilizing trauma awareness and forgiveness which are cornerstones to healing.
Sacred assignments for gathering more information, installing new behaviors, new ways of thinking, new strategies, bringing in new resources, new habits, or a combination of these.
Personalized support
Includes journal exchanges via email, check-in’s, oracle card pulls, and more.
This transformation journey is specifically designed and tailored to address your unique frequency of needs and to cultivate acceptance, courage, understanding, love, and joy.